
Getting back into blog reading

One early upshot of my temporary Twitter hiatus was to realise how much I was missing picking up on other people’s blog posts. Twitter had become my single notification channel for new posts from people I know as well as discovering new ones. Having said that I’ve been aware that I have been reading blogs less […]


Why do we share what we share online?

People choose to share certain things via social media mostly because they confirm something about their view of the world. Even if the story or image is “shocking” on one level it’s more likely it’s being shared because it fits with an existing narrative rather than disrupting one. Understanding our own narratives and those of the people around us is an important part of developing digital identities and digital wellbeing.


#ForestMayhem – what happened next!

Well, there are a LOT of people I need to thank for helping me fix a problem of my own making! This is what happened after I posted the story my daughter had written for a competition and which I then forgot to submit for her.


Twitter Analytics arrives, but just because you can measure something…

Twitter has just rolled out a new Analytics tool to the majority of its users so you can now see a little bit more about what happens in the life of one of your tweets. Just how valuable will this new data set be for most of us?