
Technology isn’t about to kill map-reading

The Royal Institute of Navigation have been talking about the demise of traditional map reading and navigation skills today. They say that society is being “sedated by software” through the use of GPS and mobile devices. While I’ve got some sympathy with their view I don’t think it’s the whole story. Technology has an important role to play in developing spatial awareness.


Video editing on the go with Splice #BlappSnapp

I’m writing this as a contribution to BlappSnapp, a series of posts on mobile apps in the classroom for Julian Wood (@ideas_factory). You can see the previous post in the chain here. If you’ve done any work with digital video you’ll know that the results that learners achieve can be amazing. You’ll also know what […]


Footloose Digital Storytelling at the EFL Showcase 2012 (#efl2012)

I had obviously behaved well enough at last year’s showcase in Wales to be invited back for another event from the HEA funded Enhancing Fieldwork Learning Team. This year was at the rather lovely Preston Montford FSC just outside Shrewsbury. I had…


Immersive video on the iP*d – more than just interesting?

Just saw this on the Neiman Journalism Lab blog… A collaboration between Condition One and The Guardian it’s a slightly more interactive approach to video where you have an element of control over where the camera is looking. Is it more than jus…


Event report: Enhancing Fieldwork Learning

The Digested Digest Get out more! The Digest Fieldwork is an essential part of the learning experience for the geo, geosocial and life sciences that needs protecting given current squeezes on finances. We saw how mobile learning is enabling a blur…


Making location-based activities with ARIS

I’d stumbled upon ARIS about a year ago but never had a chance to try it out until recently. Given that I’m now doing workshops on geolocation stuff and I’m presenting at an Enhancing Fieldwork showcase, it seemed the right moment to try. ARIS is …